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His Gift

A good gift necessary for your travels

What is it?

We live by the goodness of His mercies, in that, as He has said, “the wages of our sin is death” (Romans 6:23). All men are born in sin so that all men need to be purchased from our sin or die. All men die physically but also spiritually and if the soul dies without being redeemed it will be dead to Elohim forever. Whilst we look good and function in our natural bodies we are dead inside “in our inward parts.”

After Adam disobeyed the Word of Elohim and sinned, his DNA changed from that of perfection to imperfection. No longer did his DNA have the fullness of attributes of Elohim but was now flawed in his persona and relationship with his Creator. By consequence, this action separated from Elohim all of his progeny.

Sin is a corruption to our spirit and soul

A sub clause

However, there is an escape clause that can be actioned and it is always our prerogative to do this, “Only the pure in heart will see Elohim YHVH.” It is our decision to bring ourselves to this state of having clean hands and a pure heart.

The consequence of sin

We are slaves to our lust that are desirable and at the time enjoyable
At the same time sin is deadly to our spirit

Ephesians 2:1-4 says, “And you were dead in trespass and sins in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among whom we also once lived in the lusts of our flesh, doing its desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath as also the rest.”

The contagion

Romans 5:12 “For this reason even as though one man sin did enter into our world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all have sinned.”

Jeremiah 17:9 says speaking of our state of imperfection, “The heart is deceitful above all things”.

The plague

John 5:30, 7:24; 8:15 No judgement we make according to the flesh or outward appearances is reliable because of the deceitfulness of the heart.

We need righteous judgement from a Righteous Judge

Mercy deepens His compassion for us

Thankfully, 2 Chronicles 16:9a says, “For the eyes of YHVH diligently search through out all the earth, to show Himself to be strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect to Him.”

His Eyes search for us

YHVH Elohim uses righteous judgement and looks at the thoughts and intents of our heart. He does not judge us as men do with each other. He finds a heart that wants to know Him, then He acts to ward that heart. He sends forth His power and does something truly remarkable.

The Gift

Philippians 1:29,2:2-3 “Because to you it has been given as a favour, on behalf of Messiah, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. “

We are given “it” but, what is ‘it’ this “favour” that we are given?

The ‘it’ is the Gift of Grace that is the current word that for favour

Also, this gift is what enables us to become part of the body in Mashiyach. Scripture says, “In him (Yeshua ha Mashiyach) we live and move and have our being.” ‘It’ is in the heart and its reflects in the life lived. Charis (Gk) Acceptable benefit, favour, gift, grace, joy liberally, pleasure, thanks (worthy).

Another word is Charin (Gk) and means:- is for our sake, on account of, a favour. A spiritual endowment. Favour is not an end in itself but rather it is given for a specific purpose and that purpose is to enable us to believe in Him. “Without Him we can do nothing.” We cannot even believe in Him without His enabling us to do so.

Clearly, He is not responsible for our choices because He has made us moral beings with the ability to make choices to suit ourselves.

The result of receiving this Gift

Philippians 2:2 Rav Shaul goes on, is to “make my joy complete by being of the same mind, having the same love, one in being and of purpose.”

This gift is given to that we have the same love and being for the same purpose.

Also, this gift is what enables us to become part of the body in Mashiyach. Scripture says, “In him (Yeshua ha Mashiyach) we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

The goal of the Gift

Philippians 2:5a “For let this mind be in your which was also in Messiah (this is a Greek word that means the same as Mashiyach) Yeshua.” It is only by His grace can this actually happen.

  • It is by the power of His gift of Grace that we have the ability to believe in Yeshua ha Mashiyach.
  • Only through Elohim searching our hearts and minds does He find us and it is He who gives us the power to draw close to Himself
  • His definition of perfection is definitely not the same as our perception. We look at ourselves and judge our ‘perfection’ against the world view and all we see is our flaws, faults and imperfections His idea of perfection is, do we honestly desire to have a heart that follows after Him? Are our choices for Him or against Him? Always our choice
  • He knows we have no ability to stave off sin but He will give us, by His power of His grace, not only the means to overcome sin but to live without sin, that is, to keep ourselves in His grace by obedience to His Word
  • We can ask Him anytime for His gift of grace to come to us and it always is evidenced to us so that we 1“do not think more highly of ourselves than we ought.”
It is easy to claim to have something but evidence proves us either way. Some times doctrines will tell us if we do this or that then we have fulfilled what is asked and we have ‘it’. Based on our assumption. However, a spiritual experience can tickle our emotions and seem right to us. But, without evidence of Scripture in our lives we are led into error and we are not following the Spirit of Elohim. Unfortunately, we will believe what we want to believe regardless if our imaginations run away with us and we have not truly grasped what He is saying to us.

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